martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

As we all know Colombia, has a lot of festivals, but Bogota has many too....
Like "Rock al Parque".
Will you imagine to be in a free concert, in which many rock bands get together.

Many rock bands get together, in one place, every year, for example in 2010, famous bands that were this time was:
  • Pitbull
  • Soulburner
  • V for Volume
  • A.C.M.E
More that 300.000 people came this year, it was pretty awsome...

We really recomend you to go every year is really good check it out on this video we got from internet.

Sport Places

Bogotá is full of sport places, people always is taking care of been healthy. A place in wich you can keep your self strong, undoubtedly is a gym.

A very famous gym is Bodytech
, it counts with all usefull pieces of training and more. As the photo shows, they are very elegant gyms, they are well present and have enought space and order for people to be comfortable
, people not like disorder and messy stores, thats why they wont be dissapointed.

Going to the point, Bodytech is a fantastic gym in wich you will be happy taking care of your body and impressing other near people like friends or family.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Bogota's history

Bacatá was the center of the Chibcha tribe was in these lands to the time when the Spanish conquistador Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada founded the city on August 6 of 1538.

In this new city, named Bogotá, established the Viceroyalty of New Granada in 1717. In 1819, Simón Bolívar took over and designated it as the capital of Gran Colombia (now territory of Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela).
It was also the capital of New Granada (now Colombia) when Great Colombia was dissolved in 1830.

The city grew slowly because the citizens or "cops" wished to preserve their ancient culture. Very fond of their city and took care of their churches, convents and houses built in Spanish colonial style and their schools as the College of St. Bartholomew (1604), the St. Thomas Aquinas College, (1608) which became University Santo Tomás (1639) and the Colegio Mayor del Rosario (1653), among others.

Some of you may say that this park sucks, cause you have been in U.S.A parks...
But thats not true this is, a fantastic park in wich, when you can go every single day with your friends or family, also we have to remenber that this park is cheap, is not like other ones, in some other countries that costs like 100 dolars per person, in here is like 12.000 pesos per person very cheap, realy!!!

It have many entretainment atraccions were you can enjoy very much and you can also can get a little bit scare...
The yello
w roller coaster is called "Bambo" a very nice and fast one, yuo have to be like 1, 40 cm to ride it, so sorry if you are small...
but is not the only one there is apocalyps, crash cars, the boat, big circle that roll you like a hundred times, and one of the best, the most scary atraction ever...
it is THE HUNTED HOUSE... many people havent go in there many creatures, monsters and horror movie people is pretty good... is the one of the castle.
But is not only atraccions there are also some shows of people jumping into swimming pools or other kinds of shows.
So if you are comming to Bogota you should really go to Salitre Magico, cause as its salogan say: "Divercion Extrema" that in english mean " Extreme Fun".

Bogota's Museums

Our capital city, Bogota have a lot of history that we can see reflect on the lot's of museums we have.
one of the most important museums in Bogota and one of the most famous in Colombia is the "Museo Del Oro" that is a museum that began in 1939 with the idea of helping to protect the archeological patrimony of Colombia. It's mision is to To make known those cultures from our past through that collection, in order to direct the generous contribution made available to society by the Banco de la República towards promoting a feeling of belonging amongst Colombians.
Other important museum in Bogota is the "Museo De Los Niños" wich is an nonprofit oraganization aimed at educating children of all ages. It was establiched in 1986 under the leadership of the president Belisario Betancour with the support of many important companies, foundations and government agencies. The museum opened it's doors to the public in 1987.
There are many other museums in Bogota that we don't mention here but we would like to invite you to come to Bogota and visit the museums we have here because there are many things that you could learn about the story of this nice place.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

The main idea of this article is to show this awesome nieghborhood, in which you can ride your bike when ever you want, play soccer, squash and with your pets all day long. As you can see on this images all the space free.
Is realy a very nice and secure place to be also is a very quiet place; near to it there is the mormons church, unfurtunatly I can no take fotos to it.
Is a very clean neighborhood as you can see ,also it have many plants flowers and trees, its a very ecological neighborhood.
On one of the pictures we can see a building kind of make full of bricks, there, we can play squash, pool, it have a gym, ping pong and futbolito.

In a conclusion this neighborhood is one of the bests on bogota, very relax place, where you can spend all your day on it.


As you can see this is an exelent and kind of big neighborhood where you can play all day and all night without getting bored, this neighborhood is called Atabanza and my buildings too. Will you belief that there is a place in Bogota where can go out in the street without being afraid of a hold up?
Well here in this neighborhood that happens.

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Gran Estacion
Its a very nice mall in wich you can do different activities , such as shopping, entretaiment, and culture into others;have you ever imagine having entretainment, shopping and culture in a same place? Well, here you will be amazed, as it´s slogan says, "¡Impresionante!" wich in english means, Amzaning!

Gran estacion is a big and complete mall: as you can see in the indoors photo, there is a huge variety of locals the local centrated is a "TVnovedadesTV" not any mall counts with this type of locals. In the outdoors photo is a prove that Gran Estación is big and well decorated, as ther is a giant chess and a waterfall.

As a conclution; you can visit Gran estacion and you wont be disappointed because it counts with all you need.

Here is a cinema. As it can be read it is
Cine Colombia one of the graeatest cinemas in Bogotá. Would you like to watch movies with your friends in a comfortable place? Here is your solution.

Here you have to buy thet Tickets before you enter to cinema, as you can see in the left of the photo, there is a ticket store.It is a very nice cinema when we ar talking of cleaning. You will never found garbage indoors, even outdoors.

To conclude this cinema is a good option to visit
during free time, you will never find an
umconfortable aspect if you take it as an option.