lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

Iberoamerican Theater Festival

The Iberoamerican Theater Festival, In Spanish "Festival iberoamericano de teatro", is a very kno9wn festival around the world it is recognized because its costumer and gest number. Its founder is Fanny Mickey. Unfortunatly, her body is not alive, but her spirit and soul is presen tin every season of the festival.
This festival started with the idea of having a space for talent in the acting arts, the talent is evidenced, actors and comedians are the mos wanted.

It became a reality in 1988. It was founded by Fanny Mikey and Ramiro Osorio, and launched as part of the 450th anniversary of the founding of Bogotá, with the slogan, An Act of Faith in Colombia. One of its original goals was to foster the integration of Latin American artists and countries before the world. Fourteen years later, it is acknowledged worldwide as one of the largest international events of its kind. This biannual celebration of life is Colombia’s most important cultural event. It presents artists from the five continents and has a profound social impact that transforms and enriches the life of the country’s citizens.

Nowadays the festival is celebrated in corferias, a festival center ubicated in Bogotá.

It is easy to find an to ubicate nobody is dissapointed and is is just to have fun.

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