viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010


Rodizio is a good place for go with the family, celebrate, or have funny. In this restaurant you can eat with music at live. In this restaurant the tipical plate is name as the restaurant (Rodizio) is with a price of around $55.000 per person because in this plate you can eat many types of meat, and you eat until you can not eat more and at the final you recieve a roasted pineapple for the digestion. then for the final after the principal food you can eat something sweet like roastedmilk tgat was what I eated when Iwere invited by my aunt because she wanted to celebrate that she finished a magister in a carreer of something .

I observed that is very easy for be at there you only have to take the Autopista until the bridge of the 116 because that bridge is the one that you have to take for be there so when you get down of the bridge you can see a popsy on a corner on the street and then you can see that at the front is the restaurant(Rodizio) and also if you go in car you can lift the car at the front of the restaurant where is the parking there is going to be a man of the restaurant taking care of it.

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